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The Smart Money
Back in March of 2000 we published an article in our On the Money print newsletter that discussed one of the hottest stocks of the

When 2% = $1 million
As the year comes to a close, do you know how your investments fared for the year? Will you know your net investment return? Do

Joe’s Bad Timing
Have you ever kicked yourself for buying stock funds at the top of a market cycle? Your timing may be bad, but it couldn’t be

New Vintage Partner
We’re excited to announce another new partner at Vintage! Jack McCloskey, our COO who recently celebrated his tenth anniversary at Vintage, has purchased a stake

Don’t Forget Your Umbrella!
Not too long ago, a large storm ripped through Ann Arbor and surrounding communities. The storm took down power lines across the area, leaving many

Welcome Doug Watts, ChFC
We’re pleased to announce that Doug Watts has joined us as a financial planner. Doug has a few years’ experience as a financial advisor, most